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HP4 Emotional Imun.T


HP4 Emotional Imun.T


Mitral Constitution: The Emotional Journey. Upper left quadrant: Motherhood/Maturity/Wife. Functional ANS, Immune System, Heart meridian. Essences of Redwood, Rose, Orchid, Rosemary and Hawthorn. Vibrates on the colour frequencies of blue and orange.



The Redwood tree is the tallest tree in the world and is one of the main tree essences in HeartPower 4 - Emotional Imun-T. It vibrates on the powerful frequency of blue.

The Redwood tree is the tallest tree in the world and is one of the main tree essences in HeartPower 4 - Emotional Imun-T. It vibrates on the powerful frequency of blue.

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Heart Power 4

Since the Heart Power Formulas are extremely powerful it is strongly advised that you only take one Heart Power Formula at a time. 

Recently upgraded to support the Auditory Pathway 

PhytobHeartPower HP4 Emotional Imun T

The Mitral Constitution,      The Left Atrium/Auricle       

Creativity,  Loving,   Giving,   Nurturing,  Caring.

The Mitral constitution, if female, is full figured, curvaceous, voluptuous, secure and sensual. She is nurturing, loving and giving and full of generosity and beauty. Mother earth, warm and bountiful. Often very gifted and creative, swayed by emotion and inspired by the senses. Procreative, fertile, bonding and reliable.

If male, the Mitral constitution is sturdy, stocky, protective and gentle, encompassing, dependable and loving. The left auricle male is practical and capable, efficient and often artistic. The left auricle Mitral constitution is full of hope and inspiration and loves to make things. They are nest builders and homemakers.

The positive Mitral left auricle person loves to touch and embrace their friends. They are warm-natured, open-hearted, affectionate, loving and giving. Safe and dependable, joyful and happy, they are full of laughter. The Mitral people are builders and creators, often choosing a creative profession such as in housing, builders, gardeners, architects, cooks, artists and counsellors. These are the homestead people to whom one can turn in times of need. This constitution is earthed and homely and does not like to travel. If they do travel, they love coming home. They like to put down roots, grow trees and organise committees.

The Negative Mitral Constitution

Destructive,   Emotional,    Martyrdom,   Nagger.

When the Mitral valve is blocked negativity ensues and this constitution becomes a martyr. They give in order to receive but cannot receive and so become angry and suffer as a result of self-denial. They often cloak their own needs by being interfering, controlling or over generous; “All I have I give to you because I am not worthy”.

The negative Mitral Constitution is greedy, needy, self-indulgent and will adopt eating habits which are self-destructive. They may suffer with greed and are frequently slightly overweight. Neglectful of themselves, they often conceal their pain by being the wise counsellor who takes on the problems of total strangers whilst neglecting their own loved ones.

They are the wise counsellors but never relate the problems of the person they are advising to themselves. They often take on the hurt of their loved ones and find it hard to forget or forgive. Neglectful of their own traumas, they nurture long forgotten, negative memories of the past and will continue to refer to them long after the person concerned has forgiven and forgotten.

The negative Mitral Constitution is grief struck, lonely, frustrated, tormented by unhappiness, emotional, tearful and depressed.

They place people on a pedestal and then feel let down when the person cannot live up to their expectations. They use emotional blackmail to control others and often control with martyrdom; “Poor little me, no-one cares about me”.

The bully, hypocrite and blackmailer, this person is a nagger and an interrogator. Spiritually bereft, the negative Mitral Constitution smothers and suffocates their love ones. They have no boundaries and they invade other people’s privacy. They are needy, frustrated and dissatisfied.

Like a sponge, the blocked Mitral valve person absorbs negativity and suffers with hypo-function and weight problems, need, greed and bulimia. They also suffer with lethargy, acidity and heartburn.  Ischaemic attack stroke and paralysis. All conditions associated with hypo-function and thyroid imbalances. Thyroid malfunction, tri-iodithyronine and thyroxin deficiency, digestive disorders and temperature regulation disorders. Chest, breast and left arm disorders, mastitis and benign breast tumours.

Cholesterol and gallbladder disorders such as cholecystitis.



Mitral Constitution: The Emotional Journey.
  • Left Atrium of the heart.
  • Mitral Valve 
  • Upper left quadrant: Motherhood/Maturity/Wife.
  • Functional ANS, Immune System, Heart meridian.
  • Emotional Journey.
  • Hormonal stability.
  • Essences of Redwood, Rose, Orchid, Rosemary and Hawthorn.
  • Vibrates on the colour frequencies of Indigo, Blue and Brown/Orange.
Motherhood: Loving, kind, warm, generous and giving. Conception, generosity of spirit, loving kindness. Care and nurture. 

Recovery from:

Sorrow, sadness, divorce, emotional depression, bereavement and deep grief. Emotional trauma often leads to a breakdown of the immune system, emotional depression and loss of memory.



Emotional Harmony

Heart Power 4

Since the Heart Power Formulas are extremely powerful it is strongly advised that you only take one Heart Power Formula at a time. 

Recently upgraded to support the Auditory Pathway 

PhytobHeartPower HP4 Emotional Imun T

The Mitral Constitution,      The Left Atrium/Auricle       

Creativity,  Loving,   Giving,   Nurturing,  Caring.

The Mitral constitution, if female, is full figured, curvaceous, voluptuous, secure and sensual. She is nurturing, loving and giving and full of generosity and beauty. Mother earth, warm and bountiful. Often very gifted and creative, swayed by emotion and inspired by the senses. Procreative, fertile, bonding and reliable.

If male, the Mitral constitution is sturdy, stocky, protective and gentle, encompassing, dependable and loving. The left auricle male is practical and capable, efficient and often artistic. The left auricle Mitral constitution is full of hope and inspiration and loves to make things. They are nest builders and homemakers.

The positive Mitral left auricle person loves to touch and embrace their friends. They are warm-natured, open-hearted, affectionate, loving and giving. Safe and dependable, joyful and happy, they are full of laughter. The Mitral people are builders and creators, often choosing a creative profession such as in housing, builders, gardeners, architects, cooks, artists and counsellors. These are the homestead people to whom one can turn in times of need. This constitution is earthed and homely and does not like to travel. If they do travel, they love coming home. They like to put down roots, grow trees and organise committees.

The Negative Mitral Constitution

Destructive,   Emotional,    Martyrdom,   Nagger.

When the Mitral valve is blocked negativity ensues and this constitution becomes a martyr. They give in order to receive but cannot receive and so become angry and suffer as a result of self-denial. They often cloak their own needs by being interfering, controlling or over generous; “All I have I give to you because I am not worthy”.

The negative Mitral Constitution is greedy, needy, self-indulgent and will adopt eating habits which are self-destructive. They may suffer with greed and are frequently slightly overweight. Neglectful of themselves, they often conceal their pain by being the wise counsellor who takes on the problems of total strangers whilst neglecting their own loved ones.

They are the wise counsellors but never relate the problems of the person they are advising to themselves. They often take on the hurt of their loved ones and find it hard to forget or forgive. Neglectful of their own traumas, they nurture long forgotten, negative memories of the past and will continue to refer to them long after the person concerned has forgiven and forgotten.

The negative Mitral Constitution is grief struck, lonely, frustrated, tormented by unhappiness, emotional, tearful and depressed.

They place people on a pedestal and then feel let down when the person cannot live up to their expectations. They use emotional blackmail to control others and often control with martyrdom; “Poor little me, no-one cares about me”.

The bully, hypocrite and blackmailer, this person is a nagger and an interrogator. Spiritually bereft, the negative Mitral Constitution smothers and suffocates their love ones. They have no boundaries and they invade other people’s privacy. They are needy, frustrated and dissatisfied.

Like a sponge, the blocked Mitral valve person absorbs negativity and suffers with hypo-function and weight problems, need, greed and bulimia. They also suffer with lethargy, acidity and heartburn.  Ischaemic attack stroke and paralysis. All conditions associated with hypo-function and thyroid imbalances. Thyroid malfunction, tri-iodithyronine and thyroxin deficiency, digestive disorders and temperature regulation disorders. Chest, breast and left arm disorders, mastitis and benign breast tumours.

Cholesterol and gallbladder disorders such as cholecystitis.

In Chinese medicine it is considereded that viruses are emotional opportunists and that all physical conditions stem from emotional disharmony.

When you understand that the Autonomic Nervous System and the Limbic system which controls the sensory organs is directly responsible for the breathing and the heart beat, it is not difficult to understand the extent to which emotions impact upon the physical body. 

Recently upgraded to support the Auditory Pathway


The Vestibular System hearing: The Auditory pathway

Transmission of  sound and equilibrium (balance) information from the inner ear to the brain

The vestibular system, in most mammals, is the sensory system that provides the leading contribution to the sense of balance and spacial orientation for the purpose of coordinating movement with balance.

Together with the cochlea, a part of the auditory system it constitutes the labyrinth of the inner ear in most mammals. As movements consist of rotations and translations, the vestibular system comprises two components: the semicircular canals  which indicate rotational movements; and the otoliths which indicate linear accelerations. The vestibular system sends signals primarily to the neural structures that control eye movements, and to the muscles that keep an animal upright. The projections to the former provide the anatomical basis of the vestibulo cochlear reflex, which is required for clear vision; and the projections to the muscles that control posture are necessary to keep an animal upright.

The brain uses information from the vestibular system in the head and from proproception throughout the body to understand the body's dynamics and kinematics (including its position and acceleration) from moment to moment.

Sensory pathways are how we interpret what we experience through our sensory organs.

This is more difficult to understand but an example of pathways is that your Auditory pathway may have broken down. You may hear someone talking in a foreign language such as Russian. You can hear them perfectly but unless you speak Russian you cannot interpret or make sense of what they are saying because you do not understand the language.

Or put another way you may be able to hear perfectly but alternatively the link between the sensory organ and the brain has broken down.

Conditions that occur as a result of the break down of the Auditory Pathway 

  1. Loss of balance 
  2. inability to make sense of what you hear
  3. Dizzy spells
  4. Impaired hearing ranging to deaf
  5. Autism/
  6. Memory loss
  7. Alzeimer's /dementia
  8. Depression
  9. Headaches
  10. Stiff neck 
  11. Swollen glands 
  12. Sinusitis and tonsilitis 
  13. Aches and pain
  14. Lack of coordination
  15. Meniere's Syndrome
  16. Lack of spacial awareness


  1. Rubella
  2. Malaria
  3. Dengue fever 
  4. Yellow Fever
  5. Lyme’s Fluenz Glandular fever Cox A7
  6. Left sided virus
  7. Mercury Cobalt toxicity 
Mitral Constitution: The Emotional Journey.
  • Left Atrium of the heart.
  • Mitral Valve 
  • Upper left quadrant: Motherhood/Maturity/Wife.
  • Functional ANS, Immune System, Heart meridian.
  • Emotional Journey.
  • Hormonal stability.
  • Essences of Redwood, Rose, Orchid, Rosemary and Hawthorn.
  • Vibrates on the colour frequencies of Indigo, Blue and Brown/Orange.
Motherhood: Loving, kind, warm, generous and giving. Conception, generosity of spirit, loving kindness. Care and nurture. 

Recovery from:

Sorrow, sadness, divorce, emotional depression, bereavement and deep grief. Emotional trauma often leads to a breakdown of the immune system, emotional depression and loss of memory.