Eucalyptus, Camellia and Magnolia
Eucalyptus, Camellia and Magnolia
When heart Power 2 is used for the support of animals it is extremely beneficial for animals that struggle with extreme stress and anxiety.
When heart Power 2 is used for the support of animals it is extremely beneficial for animals that struggle with extreme stress and anxiety.
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Since the Heart Power Formulas are extremely powerful it is strongly advised that you only take one Heart Power Formula at a time.
This formula has been recently upgraded to incorparate support for the sensory organ of Sight.
The heart Lock Philosophy is extremely important to understand and never more so in modern society because of the level of damage that occurs as a result of world crisis and pandemic. To help you to understand the concept of the cascade of effects that occur under the influence of toxicity on multiple levels from Spiritual to physical this lecture is an expalantion of the vital importance of healing the damage to the RNA TRI CUSPED VALVE.
PhytobHeartPower HP2 Spiritual Calm
The Right Atrium / Tri-Cuspid Constitution
Nobility - Honour - Respect
The right auricle constitution is the leader. Fine, compassionate, strong, noble, fair, straightforward and very honourable. They are powerful, heroic and responsible.
The right auricle constitution often chooses a profession of leadership. They are intelligent, intuitive, thoughtful and have a fine sense of humour. The right auricle male is a leader, a hero, upright, strong and fine with a proud and dignified bearing. If male the right auricle constitution is strong and upright with strong bones and very muscular generally he chooses a profession of leadership. If female, tall and elegant, well structured, wide shouldered with lean hips and long legs. The right auricle woman is a powerful woman who walks with confidence and commands great respect.
The right auricle child will always be the leader.
Damage will block the Tri-Cuspid Valve and create negativity. Negativity will manifest emotionally or physically.
The Negative Right Atrium / Tri-Cuspid Constitution
When the tricuspid valve is blocked negativity ensues and the right auricle constitution may betray their responsibilities. They may become abusive and intimidating, materialistic, vindictive, and destructive.
The negative Right Auricle Constitution may be imperious, cruel and sadistic.
The negative Right Auricle Constitution abuses their power and betrays their loved ones. They are angry and bad tempered, aggressive, mean and disloyal. Using their power to control others they are despots, tyrants and foe.
Because the tricuspid constitution is the finest of all constitutions they have the furthest to fall when they are hurt. If they manifest their grief physically they become structurally weak.
The right auricle constitution is strong and structural so when negativity occurs the disease taints associated with this chamber will affect the RNA, the brain, the structure, the Central Nervous System, the spine. Disorders will be very serious, operations wounds and accidents, Parkinson’s, Motor neurons, epilepsy, spina-bifida, mongolism, congenital disorders, heart attack, paralysis, Migraine, headache, osteoarthritis and all diseases associated with the liver and hepatic function, serious kidney disorders and diabetes.
Spiritual trauma will manifest in the left brain and pons varoli, spinal cord and central nervous system.
Emotional trauma will manifest in the sphenoid sinus, the optic nerve, right eye and the heart.
Mental trauma will manifest in the liver, stomach pancreas duodenum and all hepatic function.
Physical Trauma will manifest in the right kidney, the pancreas, the hepatic flexure of the colon and the right arm.
X Cranial Nerve affected: The Vagus nerve.
Phytob Heart Power 2 Spiritual Calm for animal support
also referred to as AF2 Karm
Heart Power 2 for Animals Formula [AF2] Spiritual Calm vibrates on the frequency of Violet Ultra Violet and Yellow and supports the central Nervous system, the brain, the spine and the liver and stomach meridian. This formula supports animals when they suffer with anxiety and stress and who may have been bullied, hurt or neglected.
HP2 is the most important formula for animals that have suffered from abuse and neglect that may result in trauma and distress. Animals that have been brutalised and traumatised may even present anxiety traits such as horses that kick out or crib-bite, or dogs that bark or become ferocious as a defence mechanism. A perfect example of the vital requirement for this formula would be in situations of the abuse of farm animals, perhaps where they are kept in very crowded and unnatural conditions such as battery farming, or dogs that are confined or tethered for too long.
Animals that are neglected, bullied or victimised.
Animals that have been trained as fighting animals or even police dogs etc.
Valuable to support accidents and trauma of any kind.
Supports Brain pituitary spinal cord
- Abandonment
- Separation anxiety/Change of ownership
- Trauma of change of circumstance
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Confinement restrictions
- Snapping / violent/ scratching
- Horses crib biting/ wind sucking/ box walking
- Dogs cats stress related dietary loss of appetite
Valuable to support stressed animals or rescue animals .
This is a very valuable formula for animals that have been brutalised, bullied or badly treated and it is supportive of creatures that are anxious and traumatised .
Emotional Harmony
Since the Heart Power Formulas are extremely powerful it is strongly advised that you only take one Heart Power Formula at a time.
This formula has been recently upgraded to incorparate support for the sensory organ of Sight.
The heart Lock Philosophy is extremely important to understand and never more so in modern society because of the level of damage that occurs as a result of world crisis and pandemic. To help you to understand the concept of the cascade of effects that occur under the influence of toxicity on multiple levels from Spiritual to physical this lecture is an expalantion of the vital importance of healing the damage to the RNA TRI CUSPED VALVE.
PhytobHeartPower HP2 Spiritual Calm
The Right Atrium / Tri-Cuspid Constitution
Nobility - Honour - Respect
The right auricle constitution is the leader. Fine, compassionate, strong, noble, fair, straightforward and very honourable. They are powerful, heroic and responsible.
The right auricle constitution often chooses a profession of leadership. They are intelligent, intuitive, thoughtful and have a fine sense of humour. The right auricle male is a leader, a hero, upright, strong and fine with a proud and dignified bearing. If male the right auricle constitution is strong and upright with strong bones and very muscular generally he chooses a profession of leadership. If female, tall and elegant, well structured, wide shouldered with lean hips and long legs. The right auricle woman is a powerful woman who walks with confidence and commands great respect.
The right auricle child will always be the leader.
Damage will block the Tri-Cuspid Valve and create negativity. Negativity will manifest emotionally or physically.
The Negative Right Atrium / Tri-Cuspid Constitution
When the tricuspid valve is blocked negativity ensues and the right auricle constitution may betray their responsibilities. They may become abusive and intimidating, materialistic, vindictive, and destructive.
The negative Right Auricle Constitution may be imperious, cruel and sadistic.
The negative Right Auricle Constitution abuses their power and betrays their loved ones. They are angry and bad tempered, aggressive, mean and disloyal. Using their power to control others they are despots, tyrants and foe.
Because the tricuspid constitution is the finest of all constitutions they have the furthest to fall when they are hurt. If they manifest their grief physically they become structurally weak.
The right auricle constitution is strong and structural so when negativity occurs the disease taints associated with this chamber will affect the RNA, the brain, the structure, the Central Nervous System, the spine. Disorders will be very serious, operations wounds and accidents, Parkinson’s, Motor neurons, epilepsy, spina-bifida, mongolism, congenital disorders, heart attack, paralysis, Migraine, headache, osteoarthritis and all diseases associated with the liver and hepatic function, serious kidney disorders and diabetes.
Spiritual trauma will manifest in the left brain and pons varoli, spinal cord and central nervous system.
Emotional trauma will manifest in the sphenoid sinus, the optic nerve, right eye and the heart.
Mental trauma will manifest in the liver, stomach pancreas duodenum and all hepatic function.
Physical Trauma will manifest in the right kidney, the pancreas, the hepatic flexure of the colon and the right arm.
X Cranial Nerve affected: The Vagus nerve.
HP2 Spiritual Calm Tri-Cusped Constitution: The Spiritual Journey
Upper right quadrant : Fatherhood, Husband, Male, Adult male child
Power - Nobility - Integrity - Protection
CNS. Brain, Liver/ GB/Stomach/Pancreas Meridian.
Vibrates on the colour frequencies of ultra violet, violet and yellow.
Eucalyptus, Magnolia, Camellia, Yew, Thistle and Dandelion.
The dominant and vital relationship of fatherhood.
Family unity, protection, providing father/ male love.
Recovery from:
Break down of family relationship with father/male/husband
Betrayal, loss of assets, problems, financial worries.
Trauma of change of circumstance.
Sleepless nights, Anxiety, Stress, ADHD and Panic.
Upgraded to support the sensory organs of Sight
We depend on sight more than any other of our senses to move through the space around us. In a single glance, lasting a fraction of a second, our eyes work with our brains to tell us the size, shape, colour, and texture of an object. They let us know how close it is, whether it's standing still or coming toward us, and how quickly it's moving.
Every day, our eyes give us messages that help us understand the world around us
Although the eyes are small compared with most of the body's other organs, their structure is incredibly complex. The eyes work together to perceive depth, enabling us to judge distance and the size of objects to help us move around them.
Not only do the two eyes work together, they also work with the brain, muscles, and nerves to produce complicated visual images and messages. And our eyes constantly adapt to the changing environment — for example, they are able to adjust so that we can easily move around in a nearly dark room or bright sunlight.
The retina sends nerve signals through the back of the eye to the optic nerve. The optic nerve carries these signals to the brain, which interprets them as visual images.
Phytob Heart Power 2 Spiritual Calm for animal support
also referred to as AF2 Karm
Heart Power 2 for Animals Formula [AF2] Spiritual Calm vibrates on the frequency of Violet Ultra Violet and Yellow and supports the central Nervous system, the brain, the spine and the liver and stomach meridian. This formula supports animals when they suffer with anxiety and stress and who may have been bullied, hurt or neglected.
HP2 is the most important formula for animals that have suffered from abuse and neglect that may result in trauma and distress. Animals that have been brutalised and traumatised may even present anxiety traits such as horses that kick out or crib-bite, or dogs that bark or become ferocious as a defence mechanism. A perfect example of the vital requirement for this formula would be in situations of the abuse of farm animals, perhaps where they are kept in very crowded and unnatural conditions such as battery farming, or dogs that are confined or tethered for too long.
Animals that are neglected, bullied or victimised.
Animals that have been trained as fighting animals or even police dogs etc.
Valuable to support accidents and trauma of any kind.
Supports Brain pituitary spinal cord
- Abandonment
- Separation anxiety/Change of ownership
- Trauma of change of circumstance
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Confinement restrictions
- Snapping / violent/ scratching
- Horses crib biting/ wind sucking/ box walking
- Dogs cats stress related dietary loss of appetite
Valuable to support stressed animals or rescue animals .
This is a very valuable formula for animals that have been brutalised, bullied or badly treated and it is supportive of creatures that are anxious and traumatised .