Asthma and breathing What is so distressing is that the statistics for asthma is that six out of every ten children in UK are suffering with Asthma and have been prescribed asthma drugs such as Becotide and Ventilin [the brown and blue inhalers.] What are the symptoms of Asthma? Well quite simply difficulty with breathing, difficulty with catching one’s breath, ranging from slight problems to frighteningly aggressive symptoms. As a parent it can be very alarming to watch your child having ... Read more
Asthma and breathing
What is so distressing is that the statistics for asthma is that six out of every ten children in UK are suffering with Asthma and have been prescribed asthma drugs such as Becotide and Ventilin [the brown and blue inhalers.]
What are the symptoms of Asthma? Well quite simply difficulty with breathing, difficulty with catching one’s breath, ranging from slight problems to frighteningly aggressive symptoms. As a parent it can be very alarming to watch your child having an asthma attack.
When asthma flares up, the most common symptoms are:
- coughing
- wheezing
- shortness of breath
- chest pains and tightness in the chest
Not everyone will get all of the symptoms all of the time but maybe fairly infrequently. The medical way of handling asthma is to control the condition with steroid inhalers and it is considered that with good asthma management sufferers shouldn't experience asthma symptoms, or only have them occasionally.
According to the medical paradigm Asthma symptoms are not something that you should have to put up with, and by taking your medicines and managing your triggers you should be symptom free and do all the things you enjoy doing. Unfortunately, a few people may experience asthma symptoms all the time, these are people with severe asthma.
Of course not being able to get air into the lungs can be really terrifying for everyone concerned, the mother, the child, the sufferer.
However my feeling is that rather than just controlling the condition with drugs and hoping that it will go away[it won’t!] isn’t it much better to actually set about to heal the condition.
Firstly there are triggers that set off asthma and one is stress, so is this case I would advise careful stress management. Removing obvious pressures and trying to crate calm and tranquillity, for example reading your child bed time stories instead of putting them in front of the TV, I am appalled at how frenetic and aggressive so many children’s programmes are.
A light supper with organic or fresh food containing plenty vegetables or alternatively scrambled egg on brown bread and unsalted butter may be good for asthmatic children. Be so careful of foods that contain salt and colours and additives and e additives, aspartame Etc as these chemicals can all be triggers for asthma.
There are many causes of asthma but generally speaking they are overlooked.
One of the listed side effects of the birthing procedure called Epidural is Bronchial and respiratory conditions and distress and it is rather worrying that so many babies are now born with this procedure. There was a recent study which showed that induction drug also caused respiratory problems and increased likelihood of special needs and autism.
How do we manage asthma with nutritional support.
Emotional support is essential and we would recommend our Ultra violet tree formula called SF2 Karm Eucalyptus as well as the Green tree formula SF5 Breathe which is made from essence of deodar ceder. The fir cone of the Deodar ceder is heavily scented with oil and pine essential oil is renowned for its support of the respiratory channels and enables a very relaxed breathing. The Phyto breathe cream made from pure Jojoba is gentle enough to be used on the face to help clear the sinuses and with the addition of the beautiful essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus can be rubbed into the chest of even tiny babies to enable a relaxed breathing throughout the night.
The advantage of essential oils and essences is that they naturally support healing and are safe to be used alongside medication .So whilst the medicines give you peace of mind as they control the condition the natural formulas support healing and encourage and help you to get better.