Alzheimer’s Heart Power 4 Structural Imun T SF4 FF8 ‘Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms including memory loss, confusion, mood changes and difficulty with day-to-day tasks. There are many causes of dementia, with Alzheimer's the most common. Alzheimer’s often develops slowly over several years. It is not always obvious to begin with and symptoms can overlap with other illnesses. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish Alzheimer’s from mild forgetfulness which can be... Read more
Alzheimer’s Heart Power 4 Structural Imun T SF4 FF8
‘Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms including memory loss, confusion, mood changes and difficulty with day-to-day tasks. There are many causes of dementia, with Alzheimer's the most common. Alzheimer’s often develops slowly over several years. It is not always obvious to begin with and symptoms can overlap with other illnesses. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish Alzheimer’s from mild forgetfulness which can be seen in normal ageing.’
Everyone with Alzheimer’s will experience symptoms in their own way. Early signs usually include difficulties forming new memories, but sufferers may also experience language or speech difficulties and also spatial awareness difficulties.
Early symptoms of Alzheimer’s include:
- Forgetfulness and memory loss; confusion, muddling events and forgetting recent experiences.
- Forgetting names, book titles and films and also people’s faces [not being able to recognise people].
- Putting things away in the wrong place. ie putting the butter into the airing cupboard and the washing pegs into the fridge.
- Losing things.
- Feeling lost and disorientated and actually getting lost, wandering around in a vague and disconnected manner.
- Mood swings, anxiety/ panic attack, apathy, exhaustion low blood pressure, hypothyroid problems, low blood pressure, weight gain or loss
- Feeling anxious and irritable about little things.
- Not knowing close family members
- Bonding with strangers and losing touch with family
Alzheimer’s gets worse over time, but the speed of change varies from person to person as Alzheimer’s progresses:
- People who constantly repeat themselves and cannot take things on board.
- Ability to remember previous conversations. forgetting that one has had a conversation. inability to make clear cut decisions
- Stammering and stuttering and saying um and ah repeatedly so that communicating becomes more difficult.
- Depression.
- Anxiety and phobias.
- Insomnia and restlessness.
- Grumpy, bad tempered and feeling angry, getting very upset about small matters.
- Dizzy spells and lack of stability Increased likelihood of falling over and losing one’s balance.
- Inability to do simple chores like washing and shaving.
- Loss of interest in daily activities and loss of personal hygiene.
- Inability to feed oneself.
- The list is very distressing and it is often a slow deterioration that is noticed by loved one’s however dementia can occur rapidly due to a stroke or fall or shock.
One of the most distressing things that has ever happened to me was to be asked by my mother if I was her new nurse. She did not know who I was! She had had a stroke and as a result she lost her memory. After spending time with me as if I was a stranger, a nurse came into the room and was treated by her as if she was the most important person in her life. Her face lit up and she became animated and happy and then started to ask where her daughter was. I was sitting right beside her. I knew she was very ill but nothing can prepare you for the pain of this vacancy and absence of the soul of the person you love. I know that many people have experienced just this same heart break.
Memory Loss! Well, most of us lose our memories at times. It is like going into a room and thinking, what did I come in here for? or trying to remember the title of a book or a telephone number. This happens because in modern society we are just overloaded with trivia.
When I lived in Papua New Guinea many years ago I used to study at the University with a friend who was a lecturer there and I was astonished that students from the local tribes had the most incredible capability to learn and repeat word for word what they had been taught. No books and proper facilities in their village schools but they had such clean, clear, uncontaminated brains that their learning capacity through memory was astonishing. I have often thought about this whilst treating children with special needs. I am convinced that Autism is a kind of Alzheimer’s and the parts of the brain which are affected are the same.
The formula that I use most consistently to support memory loss are Flower Formula FF8 Rosemary ‘uplift’. This is the formula for the support of emotional tragedies, trauma, depression, tearfulness and unhappiness. It is so interesting that people who suffer with memory loss have often suffered with deep emotional issues but when the lose their memories look extremely beautiful and peaceful. They lose all their wrinkles. My mother had a very sad life, she was a very unhappy woman, she had suffered with much loss throughout the war, loss of her husband, many sad things that she never really recovered from and it was fascinating to see how beautiful and peaceful she looked when she had no ability to recall her sadness.
The heart Lock theory explains that events that have occurred throughout our lives also shape our lives although the can if not dealt with can make us very ill. My belief is that we fall ill when we are shocked and unhappy and unless this aspect of our lives is dealt with we will never full recover from Physical ailments. We have an extraordinary capability of anaesthetising ourselves when are very unhappy , like Scarlett O’Hara in ‘Gone with the Wind’ we bury our pain until we can cope
“Tomorrow is another day. I won’t think about that now”. This process of dealing with our pain is very important as it is a safeguard. the hormones involved are the endorphins and encephalon’s but these very same hormones are interfered with by drugs such as Hydro chlorides.,- anaesthetics and beta blockers, anti-depressants all of these drugs are sedative drugs and I am convinced that they play a role in causing autism and Alzheimer’s.
Likewise there is a huge amount of research into the toxic side effects of Aluminium causing autism and Alzheimer’s and this is found in multiple household items, pots and pans, etc as well as being a major incipient in vaccines. Interestingly the Flower Formula and emotion FF8 Rosemary used to support memory is the same formula used to eliminate aluminium !
In his latest research, Exley describes aluminium as an "ecotoxin" that very few scientists are taking seriously. Citing earlier research on the metal, including some that he helped pioneer, Exley warns that aluminium causes the most damage over time rather than acutely, which is why many scientists remain complacent about it.
When certain toxicity thresholds are reached, typically when more aluminium is being ingested than naturally expelled, disease quickly begins to manifest. But the symptoms of aluminium toxicity can vary, which is partially why it gets overlooked when coming up with a diagnosis.
But evidence shows that, in cases of dementia, sufferers typically have greatly elevated levels of aluminium in their brains. This is due to the fact that aluminium can cross the blood-brain barrier when excessive levels of it are present within the body.
"The presence of aluminium in the human brain should be a red flag alerting us all to the potential dangers of the aluminium age," said Exley. "We are all accumulating a known neurotoxin in our brain from our conception to our death. Why do we treat this inevitability with almost total complacency?"