Island Flower Essences by Diana Mossop
Basic Introductory Course Module 1 FF
HP1 Peak Vitality
HP2 Spiritual Calm
HP3 Breathe Freely
HP4 Emotional Imun.T
HP5 Structural Integrity
HP6 Cystern Release
Basic Introductory Course Module 2 Superfit Tree formulas
Superfit Mini Harmony Test Kit
SF1 Superfit 1 Oak "Peak Performance"
SF2 Eucalyptus "Karm"
SF3 Magnolia "Relax"
SF4 Redwood "Imun*T"
SF5 Deodar Cedrus- "Breathe"
SF6 Yew "Digest"
SF7 Spruce "Male Fertil"
SF8 Tulle Tree Female Repro
SF9 Wild Cherry "Structure"
SF10 Ponderosa Silver Birch "Inj*Ry"
EDS Test Kit
EDS IMU.C 2024/ test Kit new packaging
EDS 1 Moss Ivy "Imu Shield"
EDS 2 Storksbill "RNA Inflam"
EDS3 Maltese Poppy "BM"
EDS 4 Snowdrop Formula "Pressure Harmony"
EDS 6 Campion "Brain Shield"
Special Care Booklet
Special Care 1 Olive Love
Special Care 2 Oak Care
Special Care 3 Cedar Hope
Special Care 4 Willow Nurture
Special Care 5 Apple Calm
Special Care 6 Walnut Comfort
Special Care 7 Linden Balance
Flower Formulas Flip Chart [A4]
Booklet Guide to the Flower Formulas [A5]
FF Complete Harmony
FF Complete Harmony Mini Test Kit
FF1 Lotus "Vitality"
FF2 White Rose "Recovery"
FF3 Pink Camellia "Spiritual Ease"
FF4 Thistle "Tranquility""
FF5 Nightshade "Imu*ACE"
FF6 Phacelia "Clear Senses"
FF7 Orchid "Cool Calm"
FF8 Rosemary "Uplift"
FF9 Bluebell "Appetite"
FF10 Nicotiana "Breath Of Life"
FF11 Hawthorn "Heartache"
FF12 Dandelion "D*Tox"
FF13 Evening Primrose "Relaxation"
FF14 Daffodil "Skin Beauty"
FF15 Yellow Foxglove "Sugar Bal"
FF16 Daisy "Repro"
FF17 Arum Lily "Fertil"
FF18 Poppy "Lifeblood"
FF19 Red Chrysanthemum "Motion Flow"
FF20 Red Anemone "Kundalini"
Birthing Harmony
Childhood Harmony
Animal Formula HP1 Peak Vitality
Animal Formula HP2 Spiritual Calm
Animal Formula HP3 Breathe Freely
Animal Formula HP4 Emotional Imun*T
Feline Support Box
Equine Support Box
Canine Support
Pharma Nord Bio Quinone CoEQ10 100mg 60 caps
Pharma Nord Vit D5000
Omega 7 150 caps
Bio Culture
Animal Formula HP5 Structural Integrity
EDS 5 Pennywort
Special Care Mini Kit