Cedrus libani is a species of cedar native to the mountains of the Mediterranean region.[2][3][4]
There are two distinct types that are considered to be different subspecies or varieties: Lebanon cedar or cedar of Lebanon (C. libani subsp. libani or var. libani) - grows in Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, northwest Jordan, western Syria, and south central Turkey.
This powerful massive tree produces wood that is capabale of building ships and buildings. A coniferous tree Cedar of Lebanon frequently referred to in the Bible. Because of its luxuriant growth and length of life it is an emblem of prosperity and because of its stateliness it is a figure of majesty and beauty. Cedar was used to build temples in the time of David and Soloman and in the ruins of the 2700 yr old palace of Assurnasirpal there are still remnants of the cedar wood with which it was built. It was also used to build the masts of ships because of the height of the tree and the strength of the wood.
Cedrus libani is a species of cedar native to the mountains of the Mediterranean region.[2][3][4]
There are two distinct types that are considered to be different subspecies or varieties: Lebanon cedar or cedar of Lebanon (C. libani subsp. libani or var. libani) - grows in Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, northwest Jordan, western Syria, and south central Turkey.
This powerful massive tree produces wood that is capabale of building ships and buildings. A coniferous tree Cedar of Lebanon frequently referred to in the Bible. Because of its luxuriant growth and length of life it is an emblem of prosperity and because of its stateliness it is a figure of majesty and beauty. Cedar was used to build temples in the time of David and Soloman and in the ruins of the 2700 yr old palace of Assurnasirpal there are still remnants of the cedar wood with which it was built. It was also used to build the masts of ships because of the height of the tree and the strength of the wood.
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‘Hope to recover from illness and unhappiness’
‘Listens but does not hear’.
‘Lost the will to try again- Loss of hope’
- Deafness hearing problems
- Dizzy spells
- Clumsy lacking coordination / vertigo
- Supports Polio and Tetanus
‘Listen to a mothers heart beat in the womb - listen to cross voices anguish and rows’
After completion of this formula assess the progress
Symptom Picture; have there been any noticeable changes or improvements in:
- Hearing, speech and concentration
- Mood
- Behavior
- Energy levels
- Wellbeing
- Change of patterns of behaviour
- Reactive processes
- Sleep patterns
- Symptom relief
- Dietary Patterns
- Eliminative processes
- Was A Healing crisis experienced; if so what and for how long
If there has been recovery introduce Special Care 4 Willow Nurture
Emotional Harmony
‘Hope to recover from illness and unhappiness’
‘Listens but does not hear’.
‘Lost the will to try again- Loss of hope’
- Deafness hearing problems
- Dizzy spells
- Clumsy lacking coordination / vertigo
- Supports Polio and Tetanus
‘Listen to a mothers heart beat in the womb - listen to cross voices anguish and rows’
Superfit Formulas: SF2 KARM SF 3 RE*LAX
SF9 Structure: SF10 INJ*RY
Flower Formulas : FF3, FF4 FF6, FF20
100 Hedgerow Elementals Pennywort, Phacelia, Pink Thrift, Dragon Arum
Great Willow herb Orange lichen
Support: Elective Caesarean procedures such as Vit K Tetanus
After completion of this formula assess the progress
Symptom Picture; have there been any noticeable changes or improvements in:
- Hearing, speech and concentration
- Mood
- Behavior
- Energy levels
- Wellbeing
- Change of patterns of behaviour
- Reactive processes
- Sleep patterns
- Symptom relief
- Dietary Patterns
- Eliminative processes
- Was A Healing crisis experienced; if so what and for how long
If there has been recovery introduce Special Care 4 Willow Nurture