Practioners find Complete Harmony mini ideal as a Test Kit to analyse the personalised requirements for their patients
- Flower Formulas
- Deal with causes.
- Stabilise and harmonize emotional sadness and trauma which then enables recovery from related physical disorders.
- Encourage the body’s own innate ability to heal or to balance on a very profound level.
- By freeing stress in the body allow a release of toxicity such as poisons and toxins of modern society.
- Enable the body to assimilate vital nutrients.
- Natural, non surgical and drug free
- Free of additives
- Non addictive, non-invasive and non- manipulative
- Safe for babies, children, elderly and also for pets
- Harmless and no side effects
FF Complete Harmony Mini Test Kit
The Phytobiophysics Flower Formulas Follow the principles of the colours of the rainbow, the Meridian System, the endocrine system and all the many systems of the body. They offer support for all emotional issues. Complete Harmony offers the whole range of the 20 formulas which can be combined to create personalised support. Mini Complete Harmony offers the entire range of the 20 Flower Formulas in 1ml containers. This doubles up as an emergency home / travel pack or practitioner test kit
click on the link to watch the beautiful film called Essence of Life.
Practioners find Complete Harmony mini ideal as a Test Kit to analyse the personalised requirements for their patients
- Flower Formulas
- Deal with causes.
- Stabilise and harmonize emotional sadness and trauma which then enables recovery from related physical disorders.
- Encourage the body’s own innate ability to heal or to balance on a very profound level.
- By freeing stress in the body allow a release of toxicity such as poisons and toxins of modern society.
- Enable the body to assimilate vital nutrients.
- Natural, non surgical and drug free
- Free of additives
- Non addictive, non-invasive and non- manipulative
- Safe for babies, children, elderly and also for pets
- Harmless and no side effects
FF Complete Harmony Mini Test Kit
The Phytobiophysics Flower Formulas Follow the principles of the colours of the rainbow, the Meridian System, the endocrine system and all the many systems of the body. They offer support for all emotional issues. Complete Harmony offers the whole range of the 20 formulas which can be combined to create personalised support. Mini Complete Harmony offers the entire range of the 20 Flower Formulas in 1ml containers. This doubles up as an emergency home / travel pack or practitioner test kit
click on the link to watch the beautiful film called Essence of Life.