Bellis perennis is a common European species of daisy, of the Asteraceae family, often considered the archetypal species of that name.
Many related plants also share the name "daisy", so to distinguish this species from other daisies it is sometimes qualified as common daisy, lawn daisy or English daisy. Historically, it has also been commonly known as bruisewort and occasionally woundwort (although the common name woundwort is now more closely associated with Stachys (woundworts)). Bellis perennis is native to western, central and northern Europe, but widely naturalised in most temperate regions including the Americas[2][3] and Australasia.
Bellis perennis is a common European species of daisy, of the Asteraceae family, often considered the archetypal species of that name.
Many related plants also share the name "daisy", so to distinguish this species from other daisies it is sometimes qualified as common daisy, lawn daisy or English daisy. Historically, it has also been commonly known as bruisewort and occasionally woundwort (although the common name woundwort is now more closely associated with Stachys (woundworts)). Bellis perennis is native to western, central and northern Europe, but widely naturalised in most temperate regions including the Americas[2][3] and Australasia.
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Wistful, adorable, the proverbial child, the person who is quite content with their own company and will often sing and hum and happily occupy themselves. Trauma: Any trauma which occurs during the pubescent years. The child of divorcing parents. Unhappy childhood memories which create trauma in later life.
The following Flower Essences are contained in the formula:
DAISY Bellis Perennis Compositeae
Emotional level. Wistful, adorable, the proverbial child. The person who is quite content with their own company and will often sing and hum and happily occupy themselves.
Trauma: Any trauma which occurs during the pubescent years whether it be emotional or physical. The child of divorcing parents. Unhappy childhood memories which create trauma in later life. For women who are infertile as a result of trauma during puberty such as starting to take the birth control pill during puberty.
Spiritual level: The spiritual child.
Antidote: Side effects of synthetic oestrogen, progesterone, stilboesterol, birth control pill.
CAMOMILE Compositae Chamomilla - Emotional Level: Pregnancy and childbirth, ovulation and fertitlity. Childbirth trauma, disturbances during menstraution. Trauma: Angry and excitable, irritable and bad tempered.
MARIGOLD CALENDULA OFFICINALIS Compositeae - MENOPAUSE - Emotional Level: Stable, mature and emotionalally secure. Trauma: Unstable, erratic and unbalanced. All problems related to the complications of menopause including irrational mood swings and the hot flush syndrome. Natural hormone replacement therapy [HRT].
STINGING NETTLE Urtica urens - UNION OF MARRIAGE/COUPLES. Collection Time: July to September.
Physical Level: In love, weddings plans and marriage. Making love. Reproduction. All physical aspects of sexual intercourse.
Emotional Level: Emotional balancer between men and women. Yin/Yang harmoniser. Valuable harmoniser for quarrels, disharmony and divorce, separation and rows.
This remedy is important for the harmony of relationships. It is a harmoniser is for all levels relating to couples and coupling.
Trauma: Impotence and frigidity. Spiritual level: The union of marriage. Stable relationships.
Emotional Harmony
Wistful, adorable, the proverbial child, the person who is quite content with their own company and will often sing and hum and happily occupy themselves. Trauma: Any trauma which occurs during the pubescent years. The child of divorcing parents. Unhappy childhood memories which create trauma in later life.
FF16 Daisy
Yin formula - front left side of body, Conception/Central/Ren meridian, Spleen meridian, Bladder meridian, Marital discord.
Rows and unhappiness in the home which reflect on the children. Children of divorcing parents. Puberty. Any trauma which occurs during the pubescent years whether physical or emotional.
Support whilst on the birth control pill. Pregnancy formula advised during pregnancy.
Making love, relationships and reproduction.
Allows the mother to assimilate Folic Acid from food.
Antidotes sulphur.
Assimilation of Vitamin B9 [Folic acid] recommended as a supplement during pregnancy.
Assimilation of mineral Magnesium,
Assimilation of Amino Acids L-Phenylalanine and L-Carnitine.
The following Flower Essences are contained in the formula:
DAISY Bellis Perennis Compositeae
Emotional level. Wistful, adorable, the proverbial child. The person who is quite content with their own company and will often sing and hum and happily occupy themselves.
Trauma: Any trauma which occurs during the pubescent years whether it be emotional or physical. The child of divorcing parents. Unhappy childhood memories which create trauma in later life. For women who are infertile as a result of trauma during puberty such as starting to take the birth control pill during puberty.
Spiritual level: The spiritual child.
Antidote: Side effects of synthetic oestrogen, progesterone, stilboesterol, birth control pill.
CAMOMILE Compositae Chamomilla - Emotional Level: Pregnancy and childbirth, ovulation and fertitlity. Childbirth trauma, disturbances during menstraution. Trauma: Angry and excitable, irritable and bad tempered.
MARIGOLD CALENDULA OFFICINALIS Compositeae - MENOPAUSE - Emotional Level: Stable, mature and emotionalally secure. Trauma: Unstable, erratic and unbalanced. All problems related to the complications of menopause including irrational mood swings and the hot flush syndrome. Natural hormone replacement therapy [HRT].
STINGING NETTLE Urtica urens - UNION OF MARRIAGE/COUPLES. Collection Time: July to September.
Physical Level: In love, weddings plans and marriage. Making love. Reproduction. All physical aspects of sexual intercourse.
Emotional Level: Emotional balancer between men and women. Yin/Yang harmoniser. Valuable harmoniser for quarrels, disharmony and divorce, separation and rows.
This remedy is important for the harmony of relationships. It is a harmoniser is for all levels relating to couples and coupling.
Trauma: Impotence and frigidity. Spiritual level: The union of marriage. Stable relationships.